Isleton Main Street Redesign and Revitalization Plan

Help us design a more vibrant Main Street for all!
About the Project
The City of Isleton is working on a plan for the City’s Main commercial corridors, including Main Street and Second Street. This process will build on past efforts and result in a design for these two critical streets that will help the city enhance livability and economic development. The plan will include street, sidewalk, and intersection designs with strategies and actions that preserve and build upon the heritage and character of Isleton, improve conditions for walking, bicycling, transit, culture and commerce, and enhance connections between Main Street, State Highway 160, and the riverfront.
The plan is funded by a Caltrans grant and will be developed in partnership with local business owners, community leaders and residents, the City, CivicWell (nonprofit), and the consultant team led by the Street Plans Collaborative. The map below illustrates the focus area for this planning effort. Please check back on this site for additional information as this planning process advances.
Get involved!
Your input will help shape the direction of this plan. Please help us get started by taking our short online survey. Click here to take the survey
Project Contact
To ask any question or find out more about how to get involved, contact:
Cayla McDonell-Encina | Phone: (916) 448-1198 x324 | Email:
Plan Area Map