City Manager
City Manager Information
The City Manager directs City departments in the implementation of policies adopted by the City Council.
As the administrative head of the City Government, the City Manager is appointed by the Council to enforce municipal laws, direct the daily operations of the City, and prepare and observe the municipal budget. More specifically, the formal duties of the City Manager include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Keep the Council advised of the financial condition, current and future needs of the City.
- Appoint employees to the City pursuant to requirements set out in the ordinance.
- Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices, and agencies of the City.
- Prepare annually, submit, and administer the budget, capital improvement plan, and other plans and programs of the City as required by the Council.
- Enforce all City laws and ordinances.
- Prepare and submit reports to the Council concerning the needs and operations of City programs, departments, offices, and agencies.
In addition, the City Manager oversees the functions of Human Resources and Risk Management, Economic Development, and state and federal grant processing.
Jon Kennedy & Adam Cox
City Managers (Interim)
Tel: 916-777-7770
Fax: 916-777-7775