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Isleton Historic Preservation Review Board (IHPRB)

Historical Review Board


IHPRB Important Notice for Main Street Building Owners & Residents

Our History

The Isleton Historic Preservation Stakeholder Committee was formed in December, 2009 to develop policies, goals and objectives in order to advance the historic interests of the City.

Subsequently, the City Council of the City of Isleton approved and adopted Historic Preservation Ordinance 05-2011 and an Accompanying Negative Declaration on August 24th, 2011.  These actions resulted in the establishment of Isleton's Historic Preservation Review Council.


 Current Council Members

  • Paul Cantelli, Co-chair (11/28/2023)
  • Lori Kent, Co-chair (11/28/2023)
  • Pam Bulahan, Mayor and Council Member (10/2011)
  • John Randolph, Council Member (03/26/24)

To contact IHPRB: Email

NOTE:  We are seeking a 5th Council Member

Notice of IHPRB Open Council Position

Must be at least 18 years of age
Must reside or own property in California
Must be approved by the City Council 

Information About Historic Preservation in Isleton

For any exterior alterations done on Main Street, which is Isleton's Historic District (from H to the Water Tower), a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is required in addition to any relevant building permits before such work begins (e.g. painting, roofing, fencing, landscaping, glazing, light fixtures, signage, fencing ...).  You can find COA forms on our website, or pick up copies at City Hall.

The Isleton Historic Preservation Review Council (IHPRB), is here to help to ensure that your projects are in compliance with local, State and Federal standards for the preservation, restoration and rehabilitation of Historic Properties, and properties within Historic Districts.  In Isleton, the period of significance is from 1926 to 1941, and includes unique architectural features and styles as well as historic paint colors.

If you own property that is not on Main Street, but is older than 50 years, please consult us regarding the possibility of adding it to the National Register of Historic Places. Historic Preservation Resource Guide

Thank you, We appreciate and welcome any and all efforts to preserve Isleton's unique Historic District.


Historical-Preservation-Review-Council-COA-Information-Fillable 2024Design GuidelinesCity of Isleton Historic Preservation updated 05-15-19ORDINANCE 2024-03 AMENDING ORDINANCE 2023-02 ADOPTING A HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCEORDINANCE NO. 2023-02 Amending Ordinance 05-2011 Adopting a Historic Preservation OrdinanceOrdinance 05-2011 Adopting a Historic Preservation Ordinance and Accompanying Negative DeclarationReview Council Steps and ExamplesAdditional Photos - Acceptable Design Characteristics for Historic DistrictNational Register of Historic Places Certification and Architectural Overview