Deputy City Clerk/HR
Deputy City Clerk
The Deputy City Clerk is committed to providing exemplary customer service in an efficient and timely manner and performs a variety of professional and administrative duties in accordance with the Brown Act, the Political Reform Act, the Elections Code, the Public Records Act, and the Municipal Code.
The Deputy City Clerk's primary functions are managing the City Council's legislative agenda and meeting deliberation process, serving as the local Elections Official, maintaining the Municipal Code, coordinating public records requests, serving as the Filing Officer & Filing Official under the Political Reform Act, and acting as the City's custodian of the records.
Business License Applications are available at the City Hall. Please contact Yvonne for obtaining a business license in the City of Isleton. Isleton welcomes new businesses to help serve the Sacramento River Delta residents and tourists. For more information please read CC 2013-03 Amendment to Imposing and Operations Tax on Businesses.
Human Resources
Human Resources manages new employees and training job applicants, administering employee-benefit programs and keeping up to date with any laws that may affect the company and its employees.
Deputy City Clerk
Human Resources Manager
Telephone: 916-777-7770
Fax: 916-777-7775
Hours: Wednesdays 8 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Closed 12-1:00 pm Lunch
Closed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays to the Public
* Closed Weekends and Holidays*