Garbage and Recycling
The City of Isleton is contracted with Calwaste Recovery Systems for resident and commercial garbage and recycling services.
Calwaste Recovery Systems schedules a once a year citywide garbage/recycle pick up for all residents. A notification will be sent with your statement. Last year Calwaste and the City organized a successful clean-up where residents brought their garbage and recycled goods to the Isleton Corporation Yard.
Commercial and Demolition (C&D)
Ordinance 19-06 adopted on February 26, 2019
An Ordinance Regulating Materials Of Construction And Their Use In The Erection. Installation, Alteration, Repair, Removal, Conversion, Demolition, And Construction Of Public Works Improvements In The City Of Isleton
The City Council of the City of Isleton do ordain as follows: the (“Green Book”), Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction 2018 Edition.
What Is The Construction And Demolition Debris Recycling Program?
All contractors, subcontractors, and employees are responsible for the proper recycling of construction and demolition (C&D) debris. The following five (5) materials are required to be recycled
Hay Road Landfill (Recology)
- Inert materials (concrete, asphalt paving, bricks, etc.)
- Wooden pallets
- Clean wood waste
- Corrugated/Cardboard boxes (if only a few, use Calwaste Recycling (Blue) Container
100 6th Street, Isleton
- Scrap metal only (call 916-777-7770)